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Qatar Hydroponic Tower System Vertical Farm

Qatar Hydroponic Tower System Vertical Farm.The custome […]


Qatar Hydroponic Tower System Vertical Farm.The customer from Qatar works in the company and also runs many other businesses. The customer now wants to get involved in the agricultural field, because Qatar’s climate conditions restrict agricultural planting, resulting in very expensive vegetables, so agriculture is a very worthwhile development industry. Customers are very confident in the development of hydroponic agriculture in the Middle East, and have seen some very successful hydroponic farms before.

The customer wants to build a small farm of 100-200 square meters in the early stage, which requires greenhouses and hydroponic equipment. It mainly grows green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, and requires vertical hydroponic  planting equipment.

According to the customer’s needs, we recommended our hydroponic vertical zipr system, hydroponic vertical NFT system, and hydroponic vertical tower system to the customer. They all met the customer’s needs very well, and the customer finally chose the hydroponic tower system. Based on the customer’s greenhouse information, we made a floor plan for the customer, and calculated that a 100-square-meter greenhouse can accommodate about 90 sets of towers. The customer was eager to start this small project, so he confirmed some details and immediately placed an order.

After receiving the goods, the customer was very satisfied with the quality of the product. Under our guidance, the installation of the project started. At present, it is basically completed and ready to start planting.

