About Senegal
The Republic of Senegal is located at the west African, bordered by Mauritania, Mali, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau, and to the west by the Atlantic Ocean. The country two seasons: dry season from November to May and rainy season from June to October. Agriculture, which depends heavily on rainfall and soil conditions, is highly vulnerable to climate change, posing significant challenges to agriculture. Livestock farming suffers from sparse vegetation due to low rainfall, leading to a severe shortage of feed for cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, and poultry. Senegal’s climate has severely constrained the development of both agriculture and livestock farming. Hydroponic grass fodder container farming offer an effective solution to these issues. Therefore, fodder solution played a very positive role in promoting the special agriculture plan called 'Programme d'accélération de la cadence de l'agriculture sénégalaise(PRACAS)
Agriculture department
In Dakar, the capital of Senegal, two main ministries make up the agricultural institutions. The first is the Ministry of Agriculture, which includes the Agricultural Directorate and the Horticulture Directorate (responsible for coordinating government support within the horticulture sector), and the Agricultural Census Bureau. The second is the Ministry of Livestock, which coordinates government funding for livestock, dairy, and poultry sectors through various agencies. Learning and educational organizations can facilitate these processes. Leading agricultural research institutions include ISRA (Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research), which works on issues related to crop and animal production, SPS and veterinary issues, fisheries and forest products, and rural social-economic issues. ITA , CDH , and WARDA .
Fodder container function
Lyine fodder solution can make around 7-12KG fodder with 20CM height by 1kg seeds of wheat barley ,
Machine working performance
Fodder machine working stable is Very significant features.The hydroponic fodder growing system can work very stable all year round,no any shut down time,even in hot summer temperature more than 45 degree.the fodder machine working stable is most
Fodder Machine Power
the fodder container farm can work with electricity or solar panel also Diesel engine.
Hydroponic Fodder system is one complete 40HQ Refer container ,can easy move ,just need simple prepare cement floor with 15 degree slope, water source and electric source.
Before installation
Feedback from the customer
Here Fodder machine case transportation,installation ,harvesting from machine site