
Lyine provides custom manufactured hydroponic system solutions and services

US 1000kg forage container 1
US 1000kg forage container 2
US 1000kg forage container 1
US 1000kg forage container 2

US 1000kg forage container


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    US 1000kg forage container.The customer is from Florida, USA, owns an ostrich farm, and saw our fresh fodder container on the Google website.

    The customer feeds more than 100 ostriches and a dozen cows. Before buying the fodder container, the customer used a tray to grow fresh barley grass to feed the animals. He found that after feeding the animals with fresh barley grass, the health of the animals became significantly better, and the newborn calves are healthy and strong, which makes the client want to expand the fodder planting. However, because the weather in Florida is too hot, the grass grown in the natural environment cannot grow very high, and it is also prone to germs.

    After seeing our fodder container, the customer thinks that this product perfectly meets his needs. It can be planted in a closed space, using only water, and can control temperature, humidity and light. The growth speed and quality are very good. Customers can rest assured increase the feeding number of ostriches. The customer finally chose the fresh fodder container with a daily output of 1000kg and placed an order.

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