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Malaysia Hydroponic Zip System

Malaysia Hydroponic Zip System.The customer is from Malaysia. He has a 5 * 10m space on the roof of his building.


Malaysia Hydroponic Zip System.The customer is from Malaysia. He has a 5 * 10m space on the roof of his building. He wants to make full use of the space to plant hydroponic vegetables. On the one hand, it increases the ornamental value of the space. On the other hand, it can provide planting equipment for his family and children. Children can also enhance their practical ability and practical skills through hydroponic planting.

At first, our team provided the scheme of hydroponic tower and the scheme of zipper for customers. After showing customers the diversity of our product planting, the customer finally chose a garden planting system with zipper products as the main and tower products as the auxiliary. Customers would like to plant more types of crops in the limited space, so as to enrich the types of food on the table.
