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Canada 64-hole Pineapple Tower System

Canada 64-hole Pineapple Tower System.The customer just got to know hydroponics and was curious about everything. After browsing on our website, he asked me about many hydroponics equipment.


Canada 64-hole Pineapple Tower System.The customer just got to know hydroponics and was curious about everything. After browsing on our website, he asked me about many hydroponics equipment. After we introduced it to him, he was most interested in hydroponics tower system, and then learned about different types of hydroponics tower one by one. We first recommended our 4p6 small columns to the customer about his specific needs. The customer felt that 24 planting holes were a little short, and then we recommended 6P10 columns. The customer said he wanted 64 planting holes, so we recommended 8 layers of 64 pineapple columns, and also introduced 10 layers of 80 pineapple columns, which the customer liked very much. Then I mentioned my two purchasing plans, one 64 hole, one 80 hole, or three 64 hole, and calculated the freight for the customer and made the quotation of the two plans. The customer finally chose three 64-hole pineapple tower system. Then the customer paid smoothly.
